An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential counselling service an employer can offer free to their staff and family members to assist with emotional and psychological wellbeing.

The service is provided by registered psychologists and appropriately qualified counsellors and can help address any personal or work-related concern to ensure a person’s mental health is supported while they work.

In addition to traditional EAP counselling, Lifeworks Health Services offer emotional intelligence and resilience counselling to help support and build employees’ overall health and wellbeing.

Our EAP services are:

  • Provided confidentially by Telehealth or face-to-face by certified health professionals
  • Goal and solution focused
  • Cost competitive, will provide measurable results and return on investment

EAP has been shown to provide the following outcomes:

Improve navy crop

Improve performance and productivity

Reduce Lower navy crop

Reduce absenteeism and presenteeism

Proactive navy crop

Proactive approach to workplace stress

Improve navy crop

Improve staff morale and perception of company

Reduce Lower navy crop

Lowers risk of workers compensation

Early navy crop

Early intervention for at risk employees

Lifeworks Health Services also provides Manager Assist – a confidential counselling and coaching service specifically for supervisors and managers. As well as supporting their psychological and emotional wellbeing, Manager Assist Psychologists and Counsellors can provide targeted support around leadership, communication and help resolve concerns around manager-specific stressors.

With 1 in 5 Australians experiencing a mental health condition every year and current data suggesting the average wait time for a person to see a psychologist is up to 6 months, providing this service to staff is vital.