An early intervention program to kick-start recovery and milestone success utilising a multi-disciplinary holistic approach to recovery-health coaching, exercise physiology, dietary education, meditation and wellness. Three levels of support are available in this program. Our allied health team will assess to determine the best program to ensure specific needs are addressed.

Revitalise is a health and wellbeing program designed to provide a person with a solid understanding and practical real-world strategies. Education, conditioning and mobilisation of the mind and emotions is provided in practical ways to facilitate concrete change and support overall recovery and optimal functioning.

This is a 12 week holistic multidiscipline program that addresses all the key areas to create a recipe for greater energy, life engagement and functional milestones.

Collaboration and support – let our allied health team assist at this difficult time with a 6-12 week program that will ensure that treatment is appropriate and support and collaboration with all treaters is maintained to get the best recovery possible.